Sometimes living life in a big family does feel like a three-ring circus, but that's my life, and, all-in-all, I LOVE IT!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Grandkids And Radio City And Gingerbread Houses

Something that has become a Seasonal tradition for us is a trip downtown to see the Christmas show at Radio City with the grandkids and then having them decorate gingerbread houses.  We always go to the show on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Mia was so excited this year and she kept asking me, "Grandma how many more days until the Rockettes?"
Ray drove into the city early and we parked in a mid-town garage, and then walked a few blocks to a diner.  It was very cold and windy, and Mia had to go to the bathroom very badly, she was afraid she couldn't hold it but we made it in time ~ even though Ray made us stop for a picture (because the marquee for the show 'Mama Mia' was across the street and he thought it would make a good background!  You can't even see it!):

 We had no lines when viewing the windows at Saks (they were very disappointing, I don't know why they feel they have to be so artsy and elitist all the time, just give us some nice Christmas scenes, or at least some pretty Winter scenes to view) and no lines to view the windows at the American Girl store (very cute window displays!), and it was wonderful walking near-empty streets to view the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center:

(The pictures don't do this tree justice, it was really pretty, and I usually don't like 'flashing' lights, but the lights that flashed on this tree made the tree look like it was shimmering and gleaming.)

We also stopped into the Lego store that was in the Rockefeller promenade and both Mia & Jayden had fun making three little figures each to take home:

 (Notice Mia made sure to take her Rockette doll along with her!)

And then it was on to St. Patrick's Cathedral to light a few candles and say a few prayers:

I am always bothering St. Anthony when I've lost something.

(He is the patron saint of lost articles.)

So I wanted to thank him for always putting in a good word for me (I've found every article I've ever lost when I ask him to help out), so I said a little prayer of thanksgiving and Jayden was happy to light a candle by his statue for me:

Beautiful Pieta

Here Mia is saying a little prayer by the statue of St. Theresa.

And then it was soon time for the show!

And I think we have a future Rockette here!
(No one prompted Mia to pose like this, it all came natural to her!)

The show was a little different this year and I think Jayden enjoyed it a lot.  There were two little 3D movies and one of them was about a video game ( one of his favorite pastimes!).
And a lot of my 'old favorites' were still in the show!

 "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

"March of the Wooden Soldiers"

"Christmas in New York"

"Santa's Helpers"

This is how Mia sat through the whole performance ~ such a little lady with her hands clasped in her lap ~ captivated and enthralled.

And, of course, we all loved the finale!

I guess we wore these little ones out because they both napped on the ride home (we did A LOT of walking on long city blocks!):

But they perked up later and were happy to decorate their  gingerbread houses...

"Grandma, we have no more heart gumdrops!"

...while I enjoyed eating gingerbread men with a cup of coffee!
(NO, I'm not going to let you see me chowing down!)

Erik & Lori stopped by later with Sophie, who was not very happy sitting in Grandma's lap...

...but she was in her comfort zone with her Daddy!

Oh!  I almost forgot!  Jayden lost his top tooth at the show!  I love that smile!
(And the one next to it is loose.  I wonder if he'll be singing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth"!)


  1. You are the best Umma. I remember that you take the children to NY to the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall each year. What a wonderful time you all must have had! Before I grow up (cough) I want to go there, too. One day....maybe. I do hope so....
    Love and hugs to you, my friend.

  2. What wonderful memories you are making for your Grandchildren! Like Jackie, when I grow up, I want to go to Radio City Music Hall too!

    Holiday Hugz, my friend!

  3. OH EILEEN - such a wonderful NYC adventure - I love all the pictures and captions too. And you wonder about what "your glory" is!! My goodness, these memories, chapters of their life stories are beautiful and life-giving because of YOU, Glory indeed!!!
    Love and honor

  4. This post reminds me of last year. I love it! Such a total New York adventure. I've never been there so I am captivated by it all.

    And all of that and you come home and let them make gingerbread houses....that was one FULL day!
    Memories in the making!

  5. Those babies are so beautiful and I smile at Jayden losing his teeth and I love the way Lori dresses Mia - oh Eileen I really enjoyed this post. I watched them light the tree on TV and here you are there taking pictures of it, it is a beautiful tree. Big hugs to everyone....:-)

  6. Love the photo of them sleeping and Mia staring intently at the stage! Jayden is the picture of all boy and Mia, all girl in their winter coats.

  7. What an incredible tradition & how beautiful the sights you shared! (I wonder if I'll ever see them in person????) I DID see a Rockettes show when our senior class in High School visited New York! So long ago I don't remember very well...

    The kids are darling....Mia especially in that beautiful coat. She's certainly all-girl! How you must enjoy all the time you get to spend with them.

    The Cathedral is beautiful, too. How special that you include it in your celebration!

    I ♥ you, Eileen.

  8. What a wonderful post! I loved seeing all of the sites of New York.The church is so beautiful. Sigh... And your little grands so adorable. I love your gingerbread houses. Everyone did such a good job. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year ♥
