Sometimes living life in a big family does feel like a three-ring circus, but that's my life, and, all-in-all, I LOVE IT!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mia!

Mia turns five today!  We've already had a big family celebration on Easter Sunday for both Mia & Sophie at our house, and this evening I get to celebrate with her again at her home.  (Ray has to miss it as he's heading out to Denver for work ~ I'm wearing a very sad face here).

I have enjoyed every minute spent with the 'Birthday Girl' from the moment I first laid eyes on her:


('Still haven't been posting or visiting ~ 'still crazy/busy.  Jayden's been suffering with his allergies/asthma already this season due to the mild weather and everything blooming early.  He was off school all week for Easter break, and he was supposed to go back today but he's home here suffering with watery eyes, drippy nose, and breathing problems.  'Lots of other things going on here too and I hope to post about some of it soon.  And I hope to catch up with everyone soon too.  'Hope all is well with everyone.)