Sometimes living life in a big family does feel like a three-ring circus, but that's my life, and, all-in-all, I LOVE IT!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Diane's Wonderful Suggestion For Eóghan's Baptism

I actually didn't think my sister Diane's suggestion that Eóghan be Baptized on the Sunday after Thanksgiving was really all that wonderful at first.  She made this suggestion a few months before Eóghan was born.  And I thought to myself, "She must be crazy!  Thanksgiving weekend is always such a busy, hectic weekend."  But I told Katie about it and she liked that idea.  Kate had to go to the Baptism Pre-Jordan meeting (a preparation class) in August though because the September class was going to be held on her 'due date' and she was afraid she might not make it, and the October class was going to be held while we were away on vacation.  So Katie called Sister Katherine at the rectory and explained her situation and Sister Katherine said it would be fine to take the class before the baby was born.  And she told Katie that there was definitely an opening to fit her baby into the Baptism ceremony on November 27.  So it was all set.

And as time went on I liked very much the idea that the baby would be Baptized on that date.  Especially after Eóghan was born and had some trouble in the beginning, and everyone was so supportive with their prayers and good wishes.  We all had so much to be thankful for, and it just seemed so appropriate to me that this little Blessing of ours would receive the Sacrament of Baptism on Thanksgiving weekend and the first Sunday of Advent:

(Here he is at home just before leaving for Church)

It was a beautiful, mild, sunny day, and Eóghan's Christening outfit was perfect for the weather ~ a little cotton suit...

...and it had a gown that could be buttoned on for the ceremony...

...and then taken off again for comfort later on!

(Jayden doesn't look too comfortable though ~ having his hair pulled by baby brother!)

The Church was beautifully decorated for Advent:

These Christmas trees behind the altar are the 'Giving Trees', decorated with "ornaments" that parishioners take off the tree and written on them are gift suggestions for those in need.  They then buy the gift, wrap it, attach the ornament to the gift and place it back under the tree before Christmas:

All the new stained glass windows have been finished:

And I think they blend in very nicely with the old stained glass windows:

There were seven babies being Baptized at the ceremony last week, so I was glad we got to the Church early.

Here are the Godparents ~ George and Erin:

My cousin MaryAnn, and my Aunt Florence were up from South Carolina, and here they are with Ellie:

And here's Andrew and his girlfriend Lisa:

And here's Mommy with her boy ~

And here's her other boy making sure he's not left out!

I had to laugh at Jayden trying to stick his head into every picture!

The ceremony was very nice:

Eóghan was so good during the whole ceremony, but he was ready to eat as soon as it was over!

After his feeding and some visiting and picture-taking in Church...

(Lori's Mom, Virginia ~ with Sophie and Lori)

(Katie, Eóghan, Jayson, and Jayden)

(George, Erin, Kate with Eóghan, and Jayson)

...we all headed over to the restaurant for the Christening celebration.  I'll post more about that next week (and also about some of the fun we had back at the house afterwards with Jayden encouraging Sophie to crawl).


  1. Love the photos, Eileen! The slideshow feature that Blogger has is another great way for me to see them, too. And I did.....several times.
    I feel like a part of your sweet family, and that is a warm and lovely place to be.
    Thank you for sharing your family with me.
    I love you, my friend.

  2. HI EILEEN - the whole blessed event took my breath away and warmed my heart - and I know you were at the helm. And you ask about "your glory" - this day is yet another glorious example of just that.
    Love to you

  3. Every child should be so loved as your grandson was on this his special day. All of your grandchildren are beautiful and blessed. To be born into such a warm and loving family such as yours Eileen makes me feel all is right with the world, God has our backs.....:-)Hugs

  4. I can understand how at first you weren't too sure about having this done on Thanksgiving weekend. But how special to just extend that family holiday into a baptism. And how wonderful it obviously turned out.

    All the best to you Eileen!

  5. What a beautiful season for a beautiful event. It really WAS "just right"! I think the mother/child picture was frame-worthy, Eileen! God bless your special family.
