Sometimes living life in a big family does feel like a three-ring circus, but that's my life, and, all-in-all, I LOVE IT!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Seriously, This Baby Is Too Good To Be True!

Morning, Noon, or Night ~
Feeling Sick or Feeling Well ~
While teething ~
While being jostled and roughly handled by Jayden, Mia & Sophie ~
While being poked and prodded at the doctor's office ~
Even while getting his immunizations (at his last two doctor appointments he needed TWO shots, at each visit he was jabbed twice!  Once in each leg! Ouch!) ~

Never a complaint.

Eóghan is one well-behaved baby!

My sister-in-law Susie stopped by one day last week and said, "I don't think there has ever been a baby so good in all the world, except maybe Baby Jesus." 

   ( Poor Eóghan!  He looks like he's saying,   
"Someone help me please!")

 I pray he stays so good-natured all his life.

And we had our first snow fall today!

(And, yes, I still have Christmas greens in hanging baskets on the porch, I like to leave them up through the Winter if they last.  And, yes, I still have a bowl of seashells on a table there too, but I have no excuse for that.)

  Well, I guess this is not our real first snow fall, just the first snow fall of this year because Ray reminded me that we did have snow on Halloween weekend.
I'm hoping this melts just as fast as that snow did!  It's supposed to warm up next week so I doubt this will be sticking around too long.

Eóghan took no notice of the white stuff, but Jayden was excited and happy to be outside and helping Ray shovel:

It's still coming down and we're supposed to get an accumulation of five to six inches.  That's not too bad, just enough to look pretty, and little enough so that it doesn't stick around too long.

'Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!  


  1. Here in SE Arizona, we had a high temp of 63 yesterday... Your snow is beautiful, I like to look at it, but I don't want to live in it any more!

    And then little Eóghan - how sweet is that? So compliant at such a young age.


  2. Those pictures of Eoghan are priceless! A beautiful baby he is. And if he keeps his good nature (he probably will with all the love he's getting!) he is going to make a great husband someday!

    I look at those snow pictures of, I stare at them... and I just can't imagine. What beauty...and right there in your neighborhood!

  3. Btw, don't get rid of your New York accent....are you kidding me??? I would LOVE to talk like that!

  4. Ahhhh...the sweet love that you have for sweet baby Eóghan. I'm so happy that he has you in his life and that you have him in yours.
    Jayden is adorably cute in that outside photo with his snow shovel, Eileen.
    You know that I long for snow but won't see it where I live. I will enjoy it through your blog; how's that! :)))
    I love to come here and feel the family love. It's more than warming to me.
    Love you,

  5. How blessed you are! That child is a "keeper" for sure. I'm so happy for your entire household. I like the seashell/winter greens combination. Why not?

  6. Eileen he is the cutest little baby, as I was looking at the photos, I could not help but smile, You could almost hear him laughing in that middle picture. Enjoy your snow, the kids will love playing in it. It has finally warmed up a bit here, actually quite a bit from our minus 30 degree weather. Hope you are well, enjoy your family as I know you do. Hugs.

  7. Eoghan looks like such a happy baby! But I know why. He has you for his grandma!! The snow is a great excuse to cuddle with him for sure! Love Di ♥
