March 31, 2011 ~ Love at first sight!
April 2011
May 2011 ~ Mother's Day
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011 ~ meeting Eóghan for the first time!
October 2011 ~ Baby Smurf! Halloween
November 2011 ~ Thanksgiving Day
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2011
Later today we'll be going to Erik & Lori's for a celebration party and I'm sure I'll have more pictures to share!
I've been busy and away from blogging and visiting, and I hope to catch up with everyone next week. I've missed everyone and I've missed reading about your lives. And I thank all of you who have left comments on my blogs and on Facebook. You're all so kind.
I was in the city on St. Patrick's Day with my friend Barbara, we had so much fun and I'll share about that in a post soon. Also, I was petrified scared this week because Barbara was having a problem with her heart and needed to go in for a procedure where they 'shocked' her heart into a normal rhythm. She called me yesterday and she is doing very well! So I'm breathing again!
And we celebrated Ray's Birthday on March 18th, and I'll post about that along with St. Pat's Day.
AND we celebrated Baby Ray's Baptism last Sunday, so I hope to post about that soon too! And next week we're all getting together for Easter Sunday dinner and a combined Birthday party at our house for both Sophie and Mia with extended family. I'm looking forward to it!
'Hope you are all doing well! 'See' you soon!